pet memorial-Testimonials

Customer Testimonials

~ Gabrielle, Just wanted to let you know my friends were thrilled with their Sunni stone. Dee sent me a picture of it yesterday and I saw for myself how perfect it was... understated, simple, and exactly what I wanted. Thank you so much for doing it for me. Perhaps we'll do more business together in the future. Thanks again, Linda

~ Hi Gabi: Just want to thank you for your beautiful work on my recent purchase. The stone that I purchased from you meant so much to our dear neighbors who recently lost their beloved Odie. I've been purchasing stones from you for years giving them to friends or relatives whose pets have crossed over the rainbow bridge. Your work is so meaningful and never fails to touch the heart. With much appreciation and many thanks, B Carpenter

~Just got my stone. It's completely just perfect. I'd rather have my floof still with me, But I love it. Thank you for providing this incredible service and gift. In gratitude, Reagen

~ It's so beautiful and captures our sweet boy perfectly! Thank you so much for doing this for us. This stone will truly celebrate his life. Carly

~ Gabrielle, It just came an hour ago. Thank u for finding a tan stone too, It is just perfect! My cousin loved it! Thank u so much. Nanci

~ Fiona's stone arrived. Our daughter couldn't be more pleased. It will rest in their garden in her memory. Thank you! Marjorie

~ I have received my stone, what a beautiful memorial to my beautiful pup. Thank you so much, Dianne

~ Dear Gabrielle, Thank you for the beautiful memorial stone for Lucy. We sure appreciate your craftsmanship and help with honoring our three cats over the years. Thanks again and God bless you. All the best, Brent and family

~ Hi Gabrielle, I received the stone at the end of last week and was able to deliver it to our friends yesterday and they were so overwhelmed by the gift and loved the way it turned out. Thank you again for making something so special that they will have to remind them of Rex. Best, Katie

~ Hi Gabrielle, we received our memorial stone a couple of days ago, and I just had to let you know how awesome it is. Thank you so much for creating something that will be meaningful and beautiful to look at the rest of our lives. ?? Have a great weekend! Chris S

~ Hello! I wanted to take a moment to thank you for the beautiful, beautiful Sandstone Memorial that you created for a dear friend who recently lost her beloved boxer, Dash. My friend was so very touched and has placed it in her garden where she's able to see it every day. She sent pictures of the memorial to me, and I couldn't be happier with how wonderfully it turned out! Once again, my heartfelt thanks to you. With Kind Regards, Elizabeth K

~ I received the memorial stone yesterday for my Duchess. I want to first thank Gabrielle from "Say it in Stone" for doing such a beautiful job. She was able to engrave my favorite photo of Duchess into the stone which makes my heart smile. It gives me great pleasure that Duchess will once again be at the front door to greet all that come to visit! Gabrielle, I can't tell you how much this stone means to me, Duchess was my life, and she went everywhere with me. Her seat was permanently mounted in the passenger seat of my Silverado. Everyone knew if they traveled with me, they sat in the back seat. So, seeing her face every time I come home gives me great comfort. God bless you and thanks again, John G

~ Thank you Gabrielle. Your artwork is rendered so well in stone. It is more beautiful than I had hoped it might be. I will keep your contact info to share with my "doggie friends." Paul Z

~ I received Sammy's stone and it is beautiful....just like her. I am so happy with the final product you did a wonderful job. This will look so nice in the garden, the place she always like to lay while I worked! Thank you so much! Take care, Jo Ann

~ Of course, you have seen your own handiwork already, but I had to tell you how pleased I am with your artistry. Everyone to whom I have shown the stone, or the layout you sent previously, agrees that it is a fine likeness of my dear little dog. Thank you once again for creating this beautiful remembrance of my pal, Toby. Fond regards, Eileen

~ Old Toby's stone came today, and I'm absolutely blown away with how beautiful it is. We will treasure this forever. Thank you! Nikki

~Oh, my goodness, Gabrielle! It's perfect! The eyes are like I'm looking at my Emily, again! If an artist can capture the eyes, they are truly gifted, and you definitely have. Thank you! Susan

~ The stone I have ordered from you is for a dear friend who is grieving for the loss of her beloved dog. I remembered when we lost our dear Buster a few years ago and a friend gave us a stone you crafted. The lovely stone with his name and paw print has brought us comfort and helps remind us of loving memories. I wanted my friend to have a special memorial stone as well. We are grateful to you for your beautiful craftsmanship and the solace your work brings. Kind regards and wishing you peace, Diane

~Thank you for the memorial stone. It's a beautiful drawing of her! Thank you for this service that you provide for our fur-babies and God bless you! Susan

~ Thank you, Gabrielle! As a returning customer I am glad to do business with you! It was an easy purchase process. Michael M

~ Gabrielle, I received my memorial stone today and it is beautiful. Thanks for all your help. I sure miss my little girl. Linda D

~ Thank you so much! The stone is beautiful. Becky and her Mom love it. A Rudman

~ Thank you so much for the wonderful service. D Miller

~ Good morning, I must share with you the delight and joy your beautiful pet memorial stone brought to my dear friend, Linda. I received a phone call from her, her voice cracking and obviously emotionally charged, to say thank you for what she stated, "is the nicest thing anyone has ever done for me." She was both surprised and taken a back with this simple gesture of kindness. Losing her sweet Molly Sue was a profound loss, but now, with your help, she can go to her garden and gaze at the beautiful pet memorial that you helped make possible. Kindly, Christie

~ Obviously with lots of tears and a heavy heart it is perfect! Thank you for making it an unbelievable memorial stone. G Neff

~Hello Gabrielle, I just wanted to thank you for your beautiful work and our very special stone. It arrived this weekend and the whole family opened it together. My younger son was especially touched since he had a very special bond with Leo, and actually wants to keep the stone on his desk for a bit before we create our memorial garden for Leo in the yard. I so appreciated the work and time that went into the custom drawing and making our stone and having it has certainly helped make a very difficult loss a little easier to bear. All the best, Sarah

~ You captured my sweet baby Belle's expression perfectly. Two friends were over when the stone arrived and as I set it on her grave, next to the prior stone you made 7 years ago for my other dogs, we all were struck by the fact that even with the same breed, each of the four sketches captures the individual dog. Belle wasn't old and the cancer took her life within weeks of diagnosis. The beautiful stone makes me cry now but will be a happy memory in my garden for years to come. Thank you, Cathy T

~ I would like to thank Gabrielle and her team for the absolutely beautiful job they did on Cuddles' stone. You truly captured her beauty and personality! Thank you! Kitty R

~ I received Dolly's memorial stone today. This brings me so much comfort. Your workmanship is done with precision as though to honor her memory. I will always cherish this. I thank you with my whole heart. Jennifer M

~ Hi Gabrielle, Just wanted to let you know I received the stone, and it looks great. Bella passed away at our lake cabin in northern Minnesota in October so it will be placed in one of the gardens there. Thanks again, Steve S

~ Dear Gabrielle, I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Lynn arrived home in New Mexico yesterday, he'd been in Nashville for the summer, and collected his mail to find your memorial stones. They had to close the small-town post office because everyone there was crying- Lynn, the postal employees, the other customers- everyone. I hope you know this meant the world to Lynn. And I so appreciate the amazing job you did. The memorial stones look fabulous. Thank you, Vivi

~ I thought with all the bad news in the world today you could all use some hope and inspiration and have faith in your fellow man from this story.
I don't remember the year, but it was at least 10 years ago that I met this really hip couple at a Historic Dude ranch in Wyoming, the HF Bar Ranch. Come to find out they have a ranch in Nashville and one in Maine as well. We hit it off and I think of them all the time till this day. We stay in touch through Facebook occasionally. And I am always envious of the great food in Maine Vivi post pictures of.
Fast forward to Friday on my return from Nashville to Tijeras. I would love to have seen David and ViVi Miller, but they were summering in Maine.
I went to the post office for the first time since July 8. Only 6000 people live in my small village, so we have a very small post office that everyone knows everyone. I like it because they always say hello to Mr. Baker very enthusiastically when I walk in. Of course, my southern urge comes out because I always take something for them to eat. Friday was no difference; I took them moon pies.! They proceeded to give me a large box of mail I accumulated over the last two months but there was a big box that was bursting at the seams that they were most curious about. They said it arrived a couple of days after I left so they had had it for over two months. They convinced me to open it there so they could all see what it could be. So I proceeded to open it on the counter and what I found brought me to immediate tears and then they started crying and then the customers started crying and then there was a group hug and then they closed the post office so we could all calm down.
Because ViVi & David out did themselves memorializing my three late poodles.
I thought I was getting over losing two in one day in May because I have Francine now to help me through but it all came flooding back. I guess I will never get over it because I have devoted my life to their care and have never not had a Poodle. It's all about the poodles. So, losing them all when my property is called Poodle Springs is too much to bear. And anyone that knows me knows I am referred to as the poodle guy. I had posted a request for cards from people to memorialize them that way in book form, but I never dreamed I would receive as my last gift something like this. People were so generous and kind in my grief that out of the hundreds of cards not one was just signed they were lengthy letters about their own experience with grief which helped me more than going to a therapist. I did receive a lot of artwork and jewelry and pictures that I shall treasure always and will post pictures as soon as I get it together. But I just wanted one last picture to show you how thoughtful and considerate someone can be when the world is falling apart around us there is still kindness and love out there if we just share with one another. I've received a lot of wonderful things in my life from a lot of wonderful people, but I don't think this can ever be topped. As a matter fact I already have a monument in a historic cemetery in Frankfurt Kentucky with my twin brother Glynn who passed away in 1995. My mother's monument has a small Monument next to it with the name Angie. Everyone always says who was Angie, did you have a sister? No, it was my mother's poodle of 16 years and was buried with her. So at some point I will have these shipped to Frankfort Kentucky and the cemetery where Daniel Boone and many Kentucky pioneers are buried and have them placed with my monument so we will all be together. That is so reassuring to me I can't tell you how it really helps.
I will always remember the kindness and generosity and love and understanding of my grief that David and VIVi related to. I know they are animal lovers themselves, but this goes way beyond that. It is reaching out to the fellow man in a time of need above all else and doing something about it. I could go on for a long time, but I just want you and them to know how much this has meant to me and how much I appreciate it from the
bottom of my heart. Lynn Baker. I just wanted to add that they are really large boulders with the exact picture of each dog engraved on them. They look exactly like each dog. I'm still in shock. Lynn

~ We received Angel's stone memorial. It turned out beautifully, just like her! Thank you! Theresa N

~ Gabrielle, I received Kodi's picture stone's perfect and my husband and I are going outside now to position Sadie's stone and the "Sisters" stone and Kodi's picture stone on top of their grave site in our back yard. We miss our girls terribly but we're 72 and 73 and we've buried now a total of 5 goldens and 1 horse. That's enough... I can't go through the sorrow again, nor the responsibility. We'll take care of our grandchildren and any dogs our children get. Stay healthy and thank you again. Eileen C

~ The stone is gorgeous. My good friend's golden retriever passed away last week, and this is a perfect memory in their garden! Thank you so much!!!

~ Hi there Gabrielle---I thought I would send you a picture of the framed painting of Solie-Peanut. The mat is a light purple that picks up color from the sky and mountains. Thank you again for this lovely memory of my little Peanut. Edie xoxox

~ I want to let you know that we have ordered from you before, back in 2011 when our cat, Elsa, passed away. I've always kept your magnet business card, that you enclosed on that order, on our refrigerator. I'm so thankful for people like you that know and care about our pets and enable us to have a keepsake of them. We love our girl and miss her terribly. Having this marker is such a blessing! Thank you from the bottom of my heart. Sincerely, Theresa

~ Hi Gabrielle, I just picked up your beautiful painting of my little Solie-peanut. I absolutely love it! Thank you so much! As soon as I can, I will have it framed. Again, you have been a real pleasure to work with and I will recommend you when I can. Please take care, Edie xoxox

~ Hi Gabrielle, Just wanted to let you know I received JoJo's stone on Friday, and I love it. It really is beautiful and exactly what I wanted. You and your company have been a delight to work with. I work in the Purchasing dept at the university here in town and good customer service is hard to find these days, so I really appreciated all the one-on-one you gave me through this process. Best, Sue S. Gunnison, CO

~ Received my stone yesterday and wanted to tell you it is soo beautiful and was more than I expected!!! Thank you again for beautiful craftsmanship. Our beloved Bill will always be remembered, and the picture shows him perfectly!!! Sincerely, Diann N

~ Thank you for my Memorial stone, which was perfect. Best Regards, Jane

~ Thank you sooo much for the lovely memorial stone. It turned out perfectly and looks great in our memorial garden for little Mina. Jackie

~ Santana's stone arrived late yesterday. I love it! It's the only dark grey stone I have and it really stands out among the others. It's just what I wanted, since she was truly my special dog. I can't believe how much like her it looks, and not at all like my other two! I am very happy with it. B Hammer

.~ I wanted to let you know that we received our stone on Saturday. I have to tell you it was absolutely beautiful. My Mom was so surprised and so happy that she cried. You captured our magnificent Cielito perfectly. Every detail of the stone was exact. I know it must be hard to continue running a business with your Mother in the hospital but nevertheless you were more than accommodating and professional and we thank you very much! I will be making future purchases and will tell all my friends! Marita

~ The stone arrived today, and, as always, it is perfect. Thank you so much for getting the stone to me, the stone does mean a lot to me. Debra

~ OMG! Mo words can't describe what an amazing surprise that was today. I've finally stopped crying, mainly tears of joy in knowing that there are people out there like you that can be so wonderful and kindhearted. Thank you so much. I love it!!! Shows you really understand how hard it can be to loose a kitty. L. Blue

~ Hi Gabrielle,

I just wanted to thank you for the beautiful job you did on the two memorial stones I have ordered for my cats- this one, and one last year. I hope you'll still be in business when our last cat passes (which, with any luck will be many, many years from now- she's currently 9 but acts like she's a kitten) so you can do hers, too.
I was checking Google to see if you were the owner of the company, and I came across your bio on the equine art page, . I had no idea you were the daughter of Mike England of the Sounders! I was only 5 when the original Sounders were playing and I don't think I had any idea what soccer even was back then, but I've been a huge fan of the current incarnation of the Sounders since they started up in the A-League in 1994! What a neat coincidence! Thank you again for the lovely stones. Take care, Susan H

~ Just got the stone yesterday in the mail. The little etching of the Tonkinese cat and our cat's name, Tonkie, were just perfect. It is so special and looks just like him. Thank you and will use you again sometime. - Pam C.

~ I received my stone in the mail yesterday and it is beautiful. Thank you for my lasting memorial for Paige. - Roxanne H.

~ We gave this gorgeous stone to the widow today and predictably she loved it as did everyone else who admired your beautiful craftsmanship. THANK YOU! Nova

~ We received our stone today and it looks beautiful! Thanks so much, my mother will be really touched by the nice tribute to her beloved dog. This is a great service your business provides so thank you so much!

~ The stones arrived today, just as you said. Thank you so much, they are beautiful and perfect. Our family will use them well. Thank you for taking care of this at such a difficult time for your family. I so understand. Barbara

~ Oh My goodness, Gabrielle.. It is absolutely perfect!!! I wouldn't change a thing! I tell ya, you guys are absolutely fabulous! And now that I have seen the layout, I want one for myself too!!! So now I need 2 rocks! Gretchen

~Hello Gabrielle ... just wanted to say thank you so much ... I rec'd the stone today and it's so beautiful ... I was so excited when the box came & surprised as I didn't expect it to come till maybe Fri or next Monday. Can't wait to show it to my parents ... we are giving it to my brother & his wife for Christmas and I know they are going to love it ... they miss Jasper so much ... this is a beautiful remembrance for them. Again, thank you so much ... it's wonderful ... thanx to Mo too. With warm regards, Linda

~We got the stone today. It is absolutely lovely. We have ordered stones from you for a few friends, but this one is for our sweet girl that passed this summer. Thank you, Jan

~ Hello Gabrielle, we opened our packages this evening. We love the two memorial stones. The two stones are perfect. Thank-you for choosing two different colors. Jeff's stone is brownish, and he had more copper in his coat while Penny's stone is grey, and she had quite a bit of black in her coat. It is amazing how the images resemble Penny and Jeff and capture their spirit. We are very happy and couldn't be more pleased. Thank-you so much, Cheryl

~ Thank you so much. You do wonderful work! I've given your information to a couple of people, so I hope they order theirs. S. Young

~ The stone is beautiful, and I send everyone my gratitude! Have a great week! My Best, H Chalmers

~ It came in on Friday. It is BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much. You really captured his personality! I cried and cried, when it arrived! Karen

~ Gabrielle, the stone is absolutely perfect! Our friends LOVE it! Thank you so much! Best, Jessica

~ The custom drawing is perfect. What a wonderful way for my family to remember our pup. What you do is wonderful. Truly wonderful. Thank you so much -R Glispin

~ We received our stone for our beloved dog, Jenny, this week. WE LOVE IT!! Jenny loved duck hunting with my husband more than anything. The graphic of a lab in the reeds with ducks was perfect. In fact, it looks just like Jenny. Her passing has been so sad, but this makes us smile every time we look at it. It is on her grave on one of our favorite walking paths. Thank you so much!!

~ I received the stones today and they are just perfect. Thank you for doing such a good job and offering such great value and selection. G Forbes

~ We just got the stone that we ordered for our sister-in-law's Christmas gift. We could not be more pleased with it and know that she will be too. Thank your for the wonderful service you offer to those who have lost beloved pets.

~ I really wanted to say thank you again, before finding your site I had checked with a few other places and was getting discouraged. Not many places did custom drawing or if they did it was their interpretation of the face and there was one place that said they had a lot more graphics offline, I asked for a Shiba Inu and got like a Collie/Wolf/Shepard was the best way I could explain it. Then we were almost going to get just her name and a paw print and then found your site. Your layout came on a bitter sweet day (as we got her ashes back today) So it is really wonderful to see it and again wanted to thank you so much for offering the custom work alone and then on top of that the wonderful drawing! Becky

~ Hi my name is Barbara M, I wrote to you a while Back about Bear and his Bone cancer. Well it has gone to his lungs and is coughing up blood. I really believe he is tired but like us all he is holding on to something. He was my official companion dog, but I retired him last week when I got a 4 month old puppy that had been abused. You have done head stones of many of my dogs and you did my sister's, Karen with her name. I just wanted to give you a heads up about Bear. God bless you now and always for your talent and for the beauty that is always there. Thank you Barbara M and Bear

~ Gabrielle,
That is incredible! I can't believe the work you do, it's so amazing. The stone you made for us last year was my own dog (he's on your website under pit bull) and everyday it amazes me the detail in the engraving - you captured the sparkle in his eye. The layout for Taz is perfect, thank you! Andrea Southgate Animal Clinic

~Dear Gabrielle, We received the three river stones yesterday with Lil, Rosie, and Reggie's names on them, a gift from a dear friend. My husband and I looked at them and just burst into tears. They are so very beautiful and so perfectly executed. I loved how the different size and shape stones were selected to frame the names so well. It was almost like capturing some subtle part of each one of the dogs that were named thereon. Just absolutely perfect..... I had had mixed feelings prior to this gift about doing any grave marking this way. Only flowering bulbs had been my thought. But these are so perfect and now I see what I've been lacking in my grave-sites for my Beloveds. So this will be the pattern now and it feels very good. I have 6 dogs now and 19 cats so I'll have to squirrel some funds away just for this and will do so with the joy that comes from feeling I can honor their absence in a way that is grounded and lovely in the physical world. Thank you for your creations. They will be loved for how they speak to us. Sincerely, B Abernathy

~ I have just received my stone, and it is just beautiful! I am very pleased with it. Have your business card on my fridge for future needs, and also, if I can refer anyone else to you. K Kosack

~ Our friend Amy (Sammy's mom) loved the stone. So did the other pet parents that pitched in for the stone with me. He was a good friend to my little guy Henry. Thought you'd like to see this picture.

~ I've shared your site with several folks. It was the luck of the draw that I found you, glad I did. Gina

~Thank you for the beautiful engraved river rock for our beloved boxer, Ali. It was so hard dealing with her passing but this stone really helps us with our loss. It is beautiful and natural just like she was.. Thanks again for offering a quality product and service. Michele

~ Hi Gabrielle, I just received my pet memorial today at the post office and we are so grateful. You did a beautiful job in the choice of stone and the etching design. Once again, thank you for a job well done. We loved our little beagle so much and this is a fitting memorial for her in our garden. Sincerely, P. Sullivan

~ Hello, I received my second stone from you and I am even more pleased than I was when I bought my first one years back. I opened it and we just cried. Kala was that special little fur-baby that touched everyone she came in contact with... your stone work preserves her little spirit. Thank you so very much....we love it!!! ~ Cyndie

~ Dear Gabrielle and Mohamed, I LOVE the beautiful job you did etching my house number on our rock!!! Thank felt like 'elves' appeared at night and made the magic happen! Again, thank you so very much; your work is superlative! G Gacetta

~ Gabrielle, I just wanted to say that I received the stone for Lucky. It is truly lovely, and I am so glad I ordered it. Thank you so much for doing such a lovely job!

A. Muster

~ Thank you. We got a stone from you in December for our cat Misty, who died at age 18. We get more compliments on the stone. When our new cat died after being killed by a coyote in our suburban neighborhood unexpectedly, we knew we wanted to order one of your stones. Thanks again! Regards, A. Trommel

~ Hi Gabrielle, I just wanted to let u know that we received the stone yesterday and it looks perfect, thank you so much for fitting both names on!

~ It is perfect. It's exactly what I had hoped would mark her grave. You do a wonderful job. I'll be thanking you every time I walk near her grave. I have one more very elderly cat, so I will probably be ordering another stone this year or next. Many thanks, Janie P.S. I also have two fairly young cats and one middle-aged. Thankfully, our property, garden & woods, is large. Otherwise, we'd eventually look like a mini Arlington.

~ The drawing is perfect. It brought tears to my eyes and even my 11 year old burst into tears when he saw it, so I think that shows how accurate your drawing is. The font looks good too.

~The stone was perfect and is a fabulous remembrance! Thanks so much!

~ I just want to say, I heard from my son yesterday on this order. He had received the stone and hooked up with me via web cam. I have to say you did a beautiful job on the stone and so quickly. I really do appreciate your quick action. This was for my grandson (10 years of age) and he also was very touched by the stone. Once again, thank you so much. Should I hear of anyone looking for something of this kind I will certainly recommend your Company. ~ Mary

~ Thank you. My sister really liked it and appreciated the stone very much. ~Tiffany

~ The stone you created to honor Belle " little Bellie" is so perfect in every way. Thank you so much. I have placed it on the Kona tower that was made for my choc lab. It has the stones you made for Kona there. Thank you so very much for your thoughtful and kind heart. We will treasure the stone. ~ Bless you, Estelle

~ Good morning - Just wanted to thank you for Toby's stone. It is beautiful and I so appreciate that you make these for pets. Donna

~ "The marker you made for us is the most beautiful gift we have ever received. I received a memorial made by you folks for McKenzie, our always beloved Golden Retriever. I must say that it is the most beautiful memorial marker that I have ever seen. I have seen others in sports magazines, but never have I seen one that looked, or felt "right". The understated simple beauty, and attention to detail have made this a permanent fixture in our home. We keep ours right next to the fireplace where he loved to lay after a day of hunting. Every time I look at it, I have warm thoughts and find myself smiling from all of the joy that "Mac" brought us. Thank you so much for your attention to detail; it is no ordinary marker, rather a loving token of wonderful memories with my pup. Please feel free to contact me for any references." ~ Rick

~ "Our order arrived on Monday...what a beautiful and loving tribute to a wonderful animal. I am overjoyed at the work you did. We have placed our stone on the grave near some Forget-Me-Nots that we planted. We will always treasure our little Bedlington Terrier and feel that your stone is a fitting tribute to his sweet life." ~Lisa & Scott

~ "Just wanted to thank you for the "Felix" stone you did for our family. It looks really nice. I had planned to put it in the garden, but my children wouldn't stand for that. We appreciate you making it so quickly too." ~Sue

~ Thank you so much for helping Jim S. Successfully organize these great Memorials for two very special "Men". I sure wish I could be there for the dedication. I will visit the memorials upon my return. ~ Chuck , Thurston County Sheriff Jeep Patrol.

~ I just wanted to "echo" Chuck's comment regarding the excellent job you did on the Memory Stones. I am so glad that Jim and Marilyn Seed suggested them. In the past we had tried plants or trees but since they didn't receive "TLC" that they needed, they suffered or completely died away. The stones will not suffer a similar fate and that means so very much to all of us. Judging from Chuck's comments (And I rely on them a lot!!) I would not hesitate to recommend your product to others. ~ Keith , Capt. Thurston County Sheriff Jeep Patrol